Sayyida Aisha As Siddiqa – May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her
Sayyida Aisha As Siddiq is the complete example of a Qaanita (devotee to Allah),a mu’minah (believer), a saaliha (righteous), a musliha (innocent), an aalimah (learned/ wise), a shaykha (leader) and a murrabi (educator).
She is the complete package, an impeccable example of what muslim women should be like. Our beloved Sayyida Aisha As Siddiqa (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her), the one who affirms the truth is the beloved daughter of Sayidina Abu Bakr Siddiq (Radiallahu an).
Urwa (Radiallahu an). says: “ I’ve heard the speeches of Abu Bakr (Radiallahu an), the speeches of Umar(Radiallahu an), the speeches of Uthmaan (Radiallahu an) and the speeches of Ali (KaramAllah Wajhul Kareem), however none of them were as eloquent as Aisha May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her).
Eloquent, confident, assertive, knowledgeable was she Aisha May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her).
She was the most beloved to the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) – In a famous hadith by Amr bin Aas (Radiallahu an), which is authentic, he says, I thought I was the one that the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) loved the most so one day I went to the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) and said: “Ya Rasulullah, who is the most beloved to you?” The Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) turned towards Amr and said “Aisha”, now Amr started thinking and said to the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) “ and from the men?” because he was hoping that at least from the men, he will be number one. The Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) responded to him by saying “her father”.
Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) was a Hafitha of the book of Allah ta’ala, she was the woman who was exonerated by Allah ta’ala in the Quraan. Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her)is number four, in the most prolific Narrators of Hadith. There is no book of hadith, tafseer or fiqh which does not mention the name of Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her).
Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) did not graduate from any university, but still her utterances are studied through halls around the world, in faculties of literature, her legal pronouncements are studied in schools of law. She acquired knowledge and insight from the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family). According to Ibn Hajr Asqalani, she is the greatest scholar among the women of this Ummah.
Due to Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) primarily growing up in Madina she (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her)had the traits and characteristics of the women of the Ansaar.
Subhanallah we find many incidents between her and the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) and we learn so much from just their marital life. It is Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) who gives us access to the life of the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) that nobody else could give us because she lived a very long life after the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) passed on. She passed on in 58 A.H.
Many Ahadith were narrated by Sayyida Aisha – such as how the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) took a bath, how he (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) slept, the intimacy of the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family), the romance. How else would we have known thes things, if it wasn’t for Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her)?
How did Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) and the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) act as a couple?
They would use code language with each other denoting their love.
One time the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) and Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) were travelling with companions and the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) told the companions to go ahead and so Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her), was unaware as to what was going on. As they moved forward Rasulullah (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) looked at Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) and said: “ Let’s race” and so they started racing. Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) says that the first time she beat him (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) and the second time she had put on some weight so the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) beat her. The Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) would tease her for that for he would say: “see one for one.” Subhanallah it was that level of playfulness in their relationship, such a level of romance, a strong, solid connection between Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) and the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family).
They would even share utensils together. A hadith related in Bukhari narrated by Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) describes that when the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) and Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) used to sit and drink and eat, she would take the cup and drink and give it to the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) and he would drink from the same place she drank. The same would go about when eating. Look at this phenomenal treatment of the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) to his wife.
Even at the time of sickness the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) wanted to be with Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her), look at the connection he (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) had with her (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her). When the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) was sick, she served him with great eagerness. He (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) passed away on her lap between her chest and neck leaning against her at the age of 63.
Imagine being a widow at the age of 18, an 18 year old woman, never to be married after the demise of the beloved Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family).
Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her): “ I used to make dua to Allah, Ya Allah let me see my beloved husband in my dreams, so Allah answered my dua and allowed me to see him every second day in my dream.” And then she used to say “i could not tolerate it sometimes. So i’d make more dua to Allah until Allah answered my dua and He let me see him every day single day.”
Her life under the period of leadership by Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (May Allah be well pleased with him) was very short. Two years after the demise of her husband, the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family), she lost her father (May Allah be well pleased with him), and she lost her mother 6 years A.H. At the age of 20, Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) was left without any parents.
During the period of leadership by Sayyiduna Umar (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with him) her life blossomed as she became distinguished as a scholar amongst the companions of the Prophet (Peace and blessings upon him and his family) and her life under the period of leadership by Sayyiduna Uthman (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with him) was similar.
Under the leadership Sayyiduna Ali (KaramAllah wajhul Kareem), is where we find the life of Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) took a difficult turn, when the Battle of the Camel took place.
Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her) took many boys and girls into her custody and educated them through her care and guidance. Her house thus became a school and academy of learning.
May Allah inspire us and guide us and allow us to adopt the traits of Aisha (May Allah ta’ala be well pleased with her), her strength, eloquence, assertiveness, knowledge and character InshAllah, Ameen!
Nabeela Tajbhai
2015 Graduate