Hafidh Fawaaz Hossen of ‪#‎Mauritius‬ graduated from the Madina Institute, Usul-Ud-Deen program. He came out 4th in this year’s session, which is an amazing achievement! He received an Ijaazah from Shaykh Ninowy with Sanad and therefore he is now authorized to teach amongst other sciences; ‪#‎Aqeedah‬, ‪#‎Hadith‬, ‪#‎Fiqh‬,‪#‎Ulum‬-ul-Quran and ‪#‎Arabic‬.

The graduation ceremony was held last December(2015) at the city hall in Cape Town, South Africa. It was a well attended ceremony by some esteemed personalities like Shaykh ‪#‎Ninowy‬ himself, the honourable Minister of Perak, Malaysia Dr Zambry Abd Kadir and the Nightingale Egyptian Qari Dr. Ahmed Neinaa.

Hafidh Fawaaz did his memorization of the Quran under the guidance of Qari Hafidh Faki Ali and moved on after his Higher School Certificate to Madina-Institute SA where he studied with Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy and the other renowned scholars and instructors of Madina-Institute SA.Some of his teachers at Madina Institute are Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy in Aqeedah and hadith, Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi in Usul-ul-Fiqh and Shaykh Seraj Hendricks in Maqaasid wal Qaawaid. These instructors are themselves well known students of Shaykh al-Sharif Al-Sayyid Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Alawi ibn Abbas ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-‘Idrisi al-Makki (1944–2004) who was a prominent Sunni, Shadhili Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia.

During his time in Cape town he lead 1st to 15th Taraweeh Waterloo Road Masjid, Cape Town
and 16th-27th Taraweeh Sulaimaneyah Masjid , Cape Town.

While studying there he also attended a comprehensive workshop on Islamic Banking and Finance including concepts of Mudhaaraba, Mushaaraka, Ijaara and Tawarruq. The course was lectured by Mufti Suleiman.
Hafidh Fawaaz is fully conversant in the Arabic language and also masters the grammar of the language. And we heard through the grapevine that two central Masjids already have their eyes on him as a potential future Imam.

Lastly he would like to thank ALLAH swt and his beloved Prophet (saw) for giving him this opportunity to learn and serve the ‪#‎Deen‬. And people who have a special place in his heart are namely Shaykh Ninowy, Brother Iqbal Oozeer, and his own family.