Ihya al Mayyit bi Fadhaail ahl Albayt – Translated Text
60 Ahadith Concerning the Meritorious Benefits of the Beloved Ahlul Bayt of Sayyidinaa wa Mawlaana Muhammad Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim by Mawlaana Jalaaluddin as Suyuti Rahmatullahi ‘alaihi Download the text here – ihya_almayyit_bi_fadhaail_ahl_albayt
Does the institute cater for female students?
Yes. The Madina Institute views Islamic education as a priority for all Muslims and as such will ensure that sisters are comfortable and feel welcome at our institute.
Is it feasible to complete this Intensive program successfully with a spouse & children?
Yes. Students with families may find it feasible to study at the Madina Institute, and we can assist those coming from out of town in housing and other accommodations required upon acceptance into the program. Students from countries like the US & UK will find…