Portfolio Category: 3 Year Bachelors Degree

Tarikh – History

Tarikh (Islamic History) covers the early formative period of Islam and modern developments. This course…

Seerah – Prophet Biography

Seerah is the study of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (S). The purpose of…

Hanafi Fiqh

Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) is the study of Islamic law that informs the life of a…

Hadith Sciences

Hadith Sciences taught at Madina Institute encompass the records of purported actions, statements, and descriptions…

Shafi Fiqh

Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) is the study of Islamic law that informs the life of a…

Usul Al Fiqh – Legal Theory

Usul ul-Fiqh (legal theory) is the study of the basis upon which Islamic jurisprudence is derived.…

Aqidah – Theology

Aqidah (Islamic Theology) is the academic study of the beliefs, attributes, rational proofs, and textual…

Quranic Sciences

Quranic Sciences taught at Madina Institute encompass the subjects of Ulum al-Quran (the understandings of…