Unlocking your secret – Finding solace in the Quran (PRETORIA)
Bismillah Al Lateef Al Wadud…
We live in difficult and trying times…Anxiety and Depression is no longer a diagnosis made in the psychiatrists office…many of us face the reality of it in different degrees or forms…when there is no where else to turn what can bring you the comfort you seek…lighten the burden that is breaking your back…?
Find Solace in Al Quran…With Allah…
When Rasullullah (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Salam) faced the toughest and most difficult trials and times it was Allah that opened up/ expanded his breast, provided that comfort, lightened the burden that almost ‘broke his back’…if Allah can do this for His beloved, what can He not do for us…We just need to seek it, and it’s there…. on our bookshelves, adorned in the most beautiful of covers…its up to us to open it up…and seek the help from Allah…Al Quran…
Indeed with the difficulty is ease, with the difficulty is ease…
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock the secret within Al Quran to find solace therein when there is no where else to turn…
October 14, 2015 – October 14, 2015