Category: News

Usul al Din Class of 2020 Graduation

Madina Institute hosts a semi virtual Usul al Din Class of 2020 Graduation Press ReleaseSaturday, 27th of February 2021Cape Town, South Africa At 5 pm Friday the 26th of February 2021 many nationally and internationally streamed the Institutes first semi-virtual graduation hosted with Park Media…

A Free Ramadaan

A Free Ramadaan Freedom Day on the 27th of April is an annual celebration of South Africa’s first non-racial democratic elections of 1994. It is significant in marking the end of over three hundred years of colonialism, segregation and white minority rule and the establishment…

Making faith real again

There seems to be a common thread in today’s era amoungst the youth concerning the deficiency of spirituality. On the 1st of Shabaan 1437, the Madina Student Association arranged a night dedicated to the youth as an initiative to endeavor eliminating the current crisis. Darul…