Hajj Seminar
Alhamdulillah we are in the season of Hajj and Hajj Mabroor knows no other consequence than Paradise: So in this great time of salvation for the Hujjaaj we prepare with the best of provisions being Taqwa with a beautiful Mass Zikr this Thursday after Esha at Masjidul Quds with Live transmission on Radio Alansaar. Our visiting Lecturer at Masjidul Quds is Moulana Nawaaz Zalgoanker from Australia and Mufti AK Hoosen speaks at Muir Street Masjid for Jumuah. Insha Allah immediately after Maghrib Salaah this Friday evening which will be led by Shaykh Ismail Londt at the Madina Institute Campus 7th Floor Icon Building in Cape Town we will host Mufti AK Hoosen on his legendary Q & A Session presented by Hafiz Hussein Wadee of Radio Al Ansaar. On Saturday morning is our weekly Awraad at 7am at Masjidul Quds and at 11 am sharp at Masjidul Quds we start with Our Hajj Seminar: “A Journey of a Lifetime – The Migration from Ritual to Spiritual” see www.masjidulquds.com and www.madinainstitue.org.za for further details. This historical seminar is meant to prepare the Hujaaj for a spiritual Hajj and inspire those of us left behind to make the Niyyah to go in the future. Live on ITV and Radio Alansaar from Durban and VOC.
The lineup is legendary with Shaykh Ismail Londt; Shaykh Alexander; Shaykh Moerat; Shaykh Fakhruddin Owais; Mufti AK Hoosen; Shaykh Nour Aswad and many others.
Free Hajj Packs will be distributed and Medical and Practical Tips for the Hujjaaj. There will be stalls as well as the latest dvds of Shaykh Ninowy and the Warsh Programme of Shaykh Ismail Londt for purchase. The Seminar concludes at Esha with a beautiful slide presentation and our Saturday night Majlis Salaah Alan Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam takes place at the Taronga Road Masjid after Esha Salaah Insha Allah.
All Welcome and Let this weekend be dedicated to the theme : Hajj a Journey of a lifetime – The Migration from Ritual To Spiritual with information that leads to transformation.