Preparation for Ramadan
Zochara Peters, 49, is currently a student at Madina Institute studying the one year Usul al Din course. She is married and has a 14 year old daughter. She enjoys baking, cooking and hiking in her free time. She loves to help people, and is…
The Green Jihad
Iskandar Abbasi is a Palestinian-American scholar activist from Los Angeles. He is currently a Madina Institute student as well as post-graduate student at the University of Johannesburg focusing in Islamic Studies. The Green Jihad* The mujahidin** have finally banded together to fight the forces of…
Student blog: A Successful Marriage
Imtithaal Sampson is a 20-year-old student who recently completed Matric at Al-Azhar High School in Athlone. After spending three years in Hifth, she felt drawn to the spiritual environment of the institute and found herself longing to learn more about Islam. She is currently first…
Does the program cater to Beginner-Level students of Arabic & Islam?
Yes. You will find that the courses begin from the Beginner’s Level, but they progress quickly and continuously draw upon lessons previously learned in order to review, strengthen and percolate the information covered over the year, so as to take a student to an advanced…
Inna Lillaah wa inna Ilayhi Raji’oon
Inna Lillaah wa inna Ilayhi Raji’oon. With deep sorrow and submission, the Alawi Husayni Ninowi Zawiyah South Africa and Madina-Institute SA announces with pain in the heart and tears in the eyes the passing away of one of its Shuyukh and pillars; the pious, selfless,…
Ulum ul Quran Lectures – All Welcome
Madina Institute will be hosting a Preliminary Series of lectures on Wednesday & Thursday presented by Founding Scholar, Dr Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya an Ninowy. We’d like to invite the public to the Institute to get a chance to experience the beauty of Madina. Classes…
Weekly Evening Classes – Masjidul-Quds
Registration is now closed for these courses.
Sh Ninowi Tour: Cape Town!
Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowi is gracing South Africa this October for an exclusive lecture tour to reconnect our hearts with the life and beauty of Rasul Allah, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wa aly wa sallam. A series of lectures on the Sahaba, Sirah, Shama’il –…