Category: Intensive

Deen vs Dunya

December 14, 2015 – December 14, 2015 Islamia Audtorium Map and Directions | Register Description: How do we reconcile between our religious affairs and our worldly affairs? How do we not completely deprive ourselves of the numerous bounties and pleasures that Allah has provided us…

Final Exams

As our Usul Ud Din students approach their final exams, please keep them in your duas! May Allah ta’ala grant them tawfiq (success), himma (resolve/intention in initiating action) and istiqamah (consistency, to go in the right direction), and make them ambassadors of the Muhammadin Mercy…

Last day of class

“We don’t make you Aalims here, you graduate as a student. A Student of Knowledge.” – Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi addressing the Madina Institute Class of 2015 today as they complete their final day of the academic calendar before examinations commence. May Allah make them true…

Madina Open Day

Find out more about the full time 1 year programme Are you or someone you know interested in a 1 year intensive in Islamic studies? Attend the open day with the founder of Madina Institute, Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya an Ninowy. Date: Sunday 11 October…

Donate your Zakaah and Sadaqah

Donate your Zakaah or Sadaqah towards education. Did you know that you could pay your Zakaah or Sadaqah to Madina Institute? We have quite a number of deserving Students who are at the Madina Institute 1 Year Full-Time Intensive Programme through the generous support of…