Category: News

Ramadhan Appeal 1435

Did you know that you could pay your Zakaah or Sadaqah to Madina Institute? We have quite a number of deserving Students who are at the Madina Institute 1 Year Full-Time Intensive Programme through the generous support of our community. Please assist us in becoming…

Leadership Lessons From The Qur’an

Muzaffar Iqbal is the founder-president of Center for Islamic Sciences (Canada), editor of Islamic Sciences, a semi-annual journal of Islamic perspectives on science and civilization, and General Editor of the seven-volume Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qurʾān, the first English-language reference work on the Qur'an based on fourteen centuries of…

Madina Institute ‘Class of 2014’ inaugurated

The Muslim Views, South Africa's largest comunity Muslim newspaper, featured an article by Nabeweya Malick on the inauguartion of the Usul Ud Din Program. The article was publsihed in the March 2014 edition, and was dsitributed nationally. It was very well received, with positive feedback from Canada, Scotland…

Oh My Beloved Son

O disciple, advice is easy- what is difficult is accepting it, for it is bitter in taste to those who persue vain pleasures, since forbidden things are dear to their hearts. -pg. 6 Ayyhul Walad, Imam Al Ghazali