
On the 17th May 2014, Dr Muzaffar Iqbal presented a half day seminar on Leadership Lessons from the Qura'n.

His presentation included five leadership lessons from the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

1) A leader does not lose sight of the ultimate goal because of small things – The Prophet (peace and blessings upon hima nd his family) did not get distracted by the fact that the Quraysh did not want "Muhammad Rasullulah" on the treaty

2) A leader resloultely affirms his/her authority 

3) A leader does not follow – he leads. All the Sahaba (May AllahTa'ala be pleased with them) had been wanting to perform Tawaaf – and were denied access to Makkah until the next year acording to the treaty.  The Prophet (peace and blessings upon hima nd his family) knew that all th Sahaba wanted to go to Makkah, but as their leader, he knew that they needed to return to Madinah – he was not concerned about popularity, but about what was in the best interest of his people. 

4) There is a constant sense of tranquility in a leader. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon hima nd his family) always reacted calmly to any situation

5) A good leader remains perpetually thankful to Allah Ta'ala, for all His blessings and His Mercy.