Madina Institute Sudan – Soul Turning and Foundation Laying Ceremony
By the grace of Almighty Allah Subhanahu wataala the Foundation for the establishment of the Madina Institute -Sudan was laid today on the 29 Rabi ul Awwal 1437 by Sayyidi Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya Al Ninowy and Shaykh Muhammad Safar(Madina Atlanta) and Doctor Muhammad Usman( International University of Africa ) in the presence of Shaykh Muhammad Nour ( ex-president of ISNA) ; Shaykh Al Amien Abdul Qadir(President of Hajj and Umrah – Sudan ) ; Sh Waail Bakri(Sudan) ; Shaykh Muhammad Kaloo (South Africa) and Hafiz Mahmood Khatib (South Africa) amongst others including Government Officials and Foreign Diplomats.
This was a landmark achievement after a very successful but short trip in Sudan.
Shaykh Ninowy ; during this short trip concluded agreements with various Organisations and Universities who were in awe at his depth and moderation in dealing with a whole range of issues.
It was a breath of fresh air that led to the establishment of The Madina Institute in Sudan. Shaykh Ninowy has been requested by many to make Sudan a regular feature in his Busy schedule and with the establishment of the Madina Institute in Sudan this may be sooner rather than later inshaAllah.
We pray Allah subhanahu wataala accept Aameen.
Madina Institute – Sudan
Airport Road