An analysis of Iron as mentioned in the Quran
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful An analysis of Iron as mentioned in the Quran The debate between religion and science, is one that has been addressed by philosophers, theologians, and scientist since classical…
A warrior of Love and Islam
On the 9th of Dhu’l-Hijjah 10 AH at sunrise the Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w) left Mina for ‘Arafat, and there while seated on his camel, In front of a large gathering of his people during his final Hajj, he delivered the Jummuah Khutba, known as the…
Pap and vleis for the soul
By Shakirah Abdullah I seek refuge in the perfect word of Allah from the accursed shaitaan. In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful. As salaam alykum my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Ramadhan is around the corner and as the days come…
The Heart
By Raeesa Hoosain Life comes with many setbacks and challenges that we become so engrossed in what it wants from us that it takes over our heart completely. During times of hardship or losing someone that is so close to one’s heart, then only does…
MSA Union Camp
Assalamu Alaikum I begin in the name of Allah, Exalted and Great is He, Subhanahu wata’ala Alhamdulillah (All praises are due to Allah), I was fortunate to attend the 2017 National Muslim Students Union (MSA Union) camp themed #KnightsbyDayMonksbyNight. As knights, during the day, we discussed…
Khidma reflections
Reflections from Madina Institute S.A. student on her service (khidma) time with Planet Mercy South Africa AsSalaamuAlaykum 🌸 Just yesterday I was sitting and writing my reflective essays for my Khidma “assignment” and all that was going through my mind was “WOW”. May Allah increase Planet Mercy,…
As individuals and basic human beings we’re often faced with hardships and difficulties. When we’re faced with trials, we tend to question it and ask ‘why Me.?’ So we fail to understand that everything comes from Allah, ease and hardship both come from Allah. Allah…
Madina Institute is a tertiary academic Islamic institution that started in January 2014 in Cape Town. It offers a ground-breaking, one year intensive Usul Ud Din (foundational Scholarship of Islamic Sciences) program. This intensive, traditional program is designed to develop leaders who are schooled in…
Women’s Status in Islam
We live in a world where, unfortunately, the status of women is often a hot topic for debate on both a macro, and micro level. And although it is an issue that has been around for quite some time, no working solution in modern society…
Understanding Naskh in the Quran – A Student Perspective
The issue of Naskh (loosely translated as abrogation) in the Quran is one of contention amongst the scholarly community, with some accepting it, others negating it (apart from abrogation of the previous scriptures) and a third group who allude to a misinterpretation of the definition…