Category: latest

Women’s Day

Women’s Day   A formidable body of Allah’s creation: Womenkind. They are precious, honoured and worthy. They too are under attack by a society that seeks to make them forget this fact. On August 9th, Women’s Day, we are reminded. In lieu of the re-insurgence…

Youth Day

The History of Youth Day   Its importance to South African Youth today. In a dünya swamped with injustice, one of the few consequences that steers one’s morals backinto alignment and flares long-overdue action is the death of fellow mankind’s offspring. Such wasthe effect of…

Finding Solace

Finding Solace   I am a lost being, But within these fragranced doors I am no longer lost My heart is tiresome, But within these fragranced doors, My heart is rejuvenated, My soul tranquil And my mind Sound with the melodies, Of profound knowledge  …

Family Ties

What is the Family Unit? We are living in an era where the concept of family has extended in various forms. It could consist of an unmarried couple and their offspring, a single mother or a homosexual couple to name a few. However, in Islam…