The Green Jihad
Iskandar Abbasi is a Palestinian-American scholar activist from Los Angeles. He is currently a Madina Institute student as well as post-graduate student at the University of Johannesburg focusing in Islamic Studies. The Green Jihad* The mujahidin** have finally banded together to fight the forces of…
Human Rite or Human Right
Adielah enjoys baking in her free time. She has a positive outlook on things and intends pursuing a career that will enable her to help people. She is currently enrolled in the Madina Institute Usul Al Din One Year Intensive Program. “To deny people their…
A Majlis of Love: A Review on the Qasida Burda Seminar
Thameenah Abrahams is a Bachelor of Arts (English, Arabic and Linguistics) graduate from the University of Cape Town. In her spare time, she’s a reader and writer. She is a current Usul al Din student at Madina Institute. On the 9 March 2019, Madina Institute…
Student blog: A Successful Marriage
Imtithaal Sampson is a 20-year-old student who recently completed Matric at Al-Azhar High School in Athlone. After spending three years in Hifth, she felt drawn to the spiritual environment of the institute and found herself longing to learn more about Islam. She is currently first…
Keeping the Ramadaan Momentum
Keeping the Ramadaan Momentum It’s so strange. The moment we see the new crescent moon and hear the Eid Takbeer, we can feel the absence of Ramadaan. In Ramadaan it just feels easier to do good deeds and pray more often – whether it is…
Women in Islam – Issues of Faith
Madina Institute Teachers and Students were featured in an episode of SABC 2’s Issues of Faith Documentary. Some of the topics covered in the episode: Gender Equality Education Hijab Presented by: Shaykh Dr Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni an-Ninowy, Lecturers and Students of Madina Institute South…
Commentary of Aphorism 1 in The Book of Love by Shaykh Dr Muhammed bin Yahya Al-Ninowy
Aphorism 1: “Spiritual diseases affect your heart, which becomes blind with sins, and can only be healed by sincere repentance.” NB: Most of this commentary was based on a commentary by the author, Sheikh Dr Muhammed Ibn Yahya Al-Ninowy, which was given at The Century…
Ramadaan not an exclusive ‘all male club’
THE issue of women in Islam is a charged topic with preconceived notions, claims and stereotypes. As women, we find ourselves running back and forth between our duties towards our Creator and our duties as wives, mothers and daughters, as if these are intrinsically divisible…
According to Islam one of our foremost duties is to be grateful to Allah for all His blessings. We describe three levels of thankfulness: To realize and appreciate all blessings by and within the heart, to say shukr/thanks with the tongue, to express gratitude by…
The Tawakkul of Sayyida Hajar
During the time of Nabi Ebrahim (AS), Makkah was empty and barren not even vaguely like the city we know it to be today. It was not even a place where travellers would pass through and stop at because there was nothing, there was no…