Unique and a blessing in our times
In 2011, each member of MawlidSA team felt inspired and energized to establish an annual Mass Mawlid in South Africa. This honorable event, in my view, was the foundational barakah for the establishment of the Madina Institute. Our dear Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al Ninowi was our guest speaker at the event.
Shortly after the Mawlid, requests were made for support in the establishment of an institute that would provide a One Year Intensive Course on the 5 Foundational Sciences of Islam taken from Quran and Sunnah became our priority.
I could relate to this call as I attended and was inspired by a lecture of Shaykh Ninowy on the life of the great grandson of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alihi wa salaam, Zainul Abideen (rahimahullah) who lost his family and suffered at the hands of oppressors. On his return to Madina his goal was to take the message of Islam forward by teaching an intensive course to as many scholars as possible in Madina. He started a new family and taught them the message with love.
That is what Madina Institute family gives today.
From its mind enriching acquisition of knowledge, the soul food absorbed at the thikrs on Thursdays, the relief and poverty alleviation projects, the friendships, the love and akhlaaq that exists amongst scholars, teachers and friends.
This is what makes Madina Institute unique and a blessing in our times.
Sister Nabeweya Malick