a part of my heart
Madina has grown part of my heart. I’ve always wanted to join since 2014 but I was still in school so I couldn’t. Last year whilst all my friends were busy with applications for university, I patiently awaited an email from Madina stating when and what time my interview will be.
Soon thereafter I did my interview and got my acceptance email.
Alhamdulillah- here I am 6 months later. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.
After completing my 10 years at Madressah I thought I knew a lot until I came to Madina Institute and that has changed me, it has changed the way I think, the person I am and most importantly it has brought me closer to Allah (SWT) and has taught me a lot more of Nabi Muhammed (SAW).
At Madina you may not say anything without having authentic Dhaleel, now Dhaleel is your authentic proof by using the Quraan and Mutawattir Sunnah.
It’s been an honor to be part of the Madina family. We have thee most amazing teachers that have an ocean of knowledge even though they say they don’t, we have thee most amazing Admin ladies who are like our Madina mothers. At Madina you don’t just meet people, you meet people who become your brothers and sisters and you love them for the sake of Allah, people who are on your path for a reason and Allah has placed them there.
Recently I’ve had the opportunity of meeting an amazing person and founder of Madina Institute- Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al Husaini al Ninowy.
Being taught by such an amazing person has been an experience that I will always look back on.
Something that I will always remember and keep in mind is something that Mufti Haroon always tells us; “Don’t study for exams, study for life.”
Thus far we have covered subjects such as Fiqh (Jurisprudence) according to both Hanafi and Shafi Madhahibs, Aqidah (Belief), Mantiq (Philosophy), Ulum Hadith, Ulum Quraan as well as Arabic which consists of 3 sections- Nahw (Grammar), Sarf (Morphology) and Conversational Arabic.
In second semester we plan on adding Seerah (History of the life of Nabi (SAW), Tazkiyyah, Tafseer and studying the 40 Ahadeeth of Imaam Nawawi.
Lastly, Madina will be starting a second year as part of the Usul ud Deen program.
This world is in turmoil and it is up to the Youth of today to make a change. What better way of doing so by being a student of Deen and teaching it to others?
Amina Cassim, Madina Student, Class of 2017